Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sheds and Ted's

After we left the class, our family went to Ted's Montana Grill with our Grandparents for dinner. My brother spent a few days with our Grandpa fishing. 
On our way over to Ted's, I saw this really cool old building, just sitting there in this field. I took a picture of course, reaching across my brother, stretching my arm as far as it would go, holding my camera with one hand, trying to hold it parallel to the horizon.    

When we arrived at Ted's, it was PACKED full of people. So we sat at the waiting area for a bit, until a table opened up. 

 After dinner, my brother transferred all his fishing stuff over to our Grandparents car, and then we headed off.

{ SHORTY }  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Joyful Noise Farm Pt2

Here is part 2! This one has mostly animals on it, but they aren't animals you see to often on the blog.  

   His pigs, I guess felt tired. He said they normally come running out.

 The kid goats were so cute and animated! The one below kept trying to get on top of the mamma goat! Failing pretty much every time.

Pt 3 to come on Tuesday