Wow, am I a terrible blogger! You probably won't see a whole lot of posts on here in the near future, just because a lot more stuff is happening. Oh well, there are more things in life than keeping a blog up-to-date. A whole lot of changes have been happening, I don't even know where to start.
The first big change (for me anyway) was learning to drive. I finally got my permit, which didn't take a whole lot of time to get. We drove out to Hugo, CO for the permit, which was worth it. It's a nice, small town, which gives you that small town feeling of welcome.

Then there was the trip to AZ, to see our Great Grandfather. It was extremely windy in New Mexico on the way down. The dust was thick as we drove along the road, you could here it hitting the car, almost the same sound as when you're driving in a snow storm, and the ice particle hit the side of the car.

My friends new dog "Billy" He's a shy little thing, or perhaps he just doesn't like me :P
The two best from a small portrait shoot with a friend of mine.

Another thing that's been happening here, is a welding project, which I am having lots of fun at. We're building a new tongue for a trailer, where the old one started to break. Sorry, I do not have a picture of the tongue (I know, that's half of the story!)
A painting my Sister-in-Law was working on, which turned out really well. She has an amazing talent with drawing and painting, and writing.