Monday, September 29, 2014

New Author/Where I live.

 Hello all. As you know, I have not been posting many blog updates, pictures, etc. due to many given factors. Recently I went to a Camp, called "Summit Ministries" which lasted two weeks. During that time, I met many people who I have kept in contact with. One of whom, I will introduce you to. Her name is Faith, and shares a similar enjoyment for photography. So I asked her, if she would like to post her photography on here. And since this blog is called "Double Frame" it would be appropriate to have "Double the perspective" on the world, through the eyes of another photographer. So, I'll turn this post over to the new author, so she can tell you a little bit about herself.  

Hey everyone. My name is Faith and I am a homeschooler who enjoys photography, making music. I have five older siblings, I live right in the middle of nowhere in central Texas. I decided to become a photographer to show people the wonder and beauty of God's creation 

My family has owned a fishing camp since 1982 where you can go fishing and stay in cabins, it's called "The Ramp".

This is why it's called the Ramp -- a seventy foot railroad so you can get to the water. It used to have a trolley but it got washed away in a flood. 

Yes I live by a dam, Max Starcke Dam.


 Right where the river bends is a spring called bluebonnet hole, where most people fish. It has been measured at over one hundred feet.

If you were wondering, yes I have touched the dam is very huge.

Since I live in the hill country, there are many things to take pictures of, which you will be seeing more of in the future.

Thanks for reading!! :)