Thursday, May 2, 2013

Morning Sunrise

Well, we have one wacky weather pattern! I'm loving the moisture though! The other day it was 72, and this morning it was 18. 
We finally finished rebuilding the chicken tractor. Now all we have to do is paint it. We'll probably keep our future rooster in it. This is photo I took a few days back.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cool Clouds and Baby Photo's Sneak Peek

(Special Message) : Nate probably won't be posting for quite some time, due to the fact that his computer refuses to turn on... at all. So you won't see anything from him for some time.  

The other day, I saw this really cool cloud formation. The mornings have been really warm. I think the morning light is my favorite for pictures. I don't know why, but it is just my favorite. 

This last week, I took some pictures of my dance teachers granddaughter. It was my first time taking baby pictures, so I didn't quite know what to do. But I think they turned out ok. 

The rest of the pictures will come on Tuesday!