Thursday, July 11, 2013

Trees and Storms

Yesterday, we had a really good rain. It was so cool before the storm though. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures :( I was helping cover up the garden, just in case there was hail. The clouds were really dark in the background, and there were some light gray clouds just in front. directly above, there were dark clouds as well, but with some spots that had this luminescent blue, sort of glowing through it. And at the right and left side, there were some swirly, really stormy looking clouds, as if we were going to have a severe thunder storm, it was so surreal. And of course the wind was blowing really hard, if you closed you eyes, the way wind sounded, you would think it was snowing outside.
We got about 1/10" which doesn't sound like much, but as dry as it is, that's a really good rain.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Camping, water Jets and Canon 70D

It's hard to believe it's already July! Time flies so fast... in a couple of months, the leaves will turn yellow, red, brown, orange, russet... it will be great for pictures! We'll be going camping in a couple of weeks, so I should return with lots of pictures! The place we're going is really pretty! So I know, there won't be shortage of photos! 

Today, I had the privilege of seeing how a water jet works (for cutting metal). It uses a sand called "garnet" and then combines it with water and shoots it out at such a high pressure, that it can cut a piece of 1/8" aluminum in no time at all. It was absolutely amazing to see how it worked. 

Yesterday, I brought home a nice set of shelves from where I work, that should help with the garage a lot! It looks almost practically new! I can't wait to get it set up. 

Also, Canon came out with a new camera called the "70D" from what I read, it sounds a though they combined a lot of good features in this camera. Looking forward to the full review!


Sunday, July 7, 2013


Oh boy! What a week! I got an extra long weekend for the fourth! What about you guys? What did you do for the fourth? We have our brother and sister-in-law here, and my brother is making a cradle for their soon to come baby!