Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Camping, water Jets and Canon 70D

It's hard to believe it's already July! Time flies so fast... in a couple of months, the leaves will turn yellow, red, brown, orange, russet... it will be great for pictures! We'll be going camping in a couple of weeks, so I should return with lots of pictures! The place we're going is really pretty! So I know, there won't be shortage of photos! 

Today, I had the privilege of seeing how a water jet works (for cutting metal). It uses a sand called "garnet" and then combines it with water and shoots it out at such a high pressure, that it can cut a piece of 1/8" aluminum in no time at all. It was absolutely amazing to see how it worked. 

Yesterday, I brought home a nice set of shelves from where I work, that should help with the garage a lot! It looks almost practically new! I can't wait to get it set up. 

Also, Canon came out with a new camera called the "70D" from what I read, it sounds a though they combined a lot of good features in this camera. Looking forward to the full review!


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