Sunday, April 14, 2013

Fort Collins Pt3

This past week has been really busy. Lately, I've been working on learning the guitar. So far, my teacher has me learning scales. I have to practice for three hours a day. School normally takes till about 2 in the afternoon, then add three hours, and that takes you right to dinner time. So my days have been really full. 
My teacher says that scales will help me understand music a lot better. I still have yet to understand music at all, and I'm sad to say that I don't even know how to read musical notations :P He says guitar takes a lot of time, pain and patience. But I'm learning. So far I have the Ionian scale and the Dorian  scale memorized. Now I have to work on "Sustaining Notes" throughout the scale, then I move on to Phyrgian and Lydian scale. 

Also this week, I received my guitar amplifier! Its really cool, and has great sound! I still play mostly on the acoustic, but having an amp will let me play a lot more types of music now! 
Well, here is the third part to the Fort Collins pictures.


 I love it when they continue to use old buildings, instead of letting them sit there and decay.

There are tons of cool, retro bikes!


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