Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rain, Honey and Qwirkles.

We, just had one of the best rains so far! It rained for quite a long time in the evening, then just drizzled all night! Everything smelled so fresh this morning! Right now its sprinkling. 
The other day we were at our Grandparents house, and we played a game right before dinner called "Qwirkle",  it's a really fun game. My brother won the round with seven Qwirkles. 
After dinner we watched a movie called "The Hanoi Hilton", which was about P.O.W.'s during Vietnam. It was really good. A little sad, but definitely good. 

My brother harvested 10 pounds of honey from one of his hives. For some reason the hive had died during winter, so he harvested the honey. They didn't die of starvation, we know that much. We aren't quite sure what happened. The honey has the pollen in it, so it is really light colored, and rich. 


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