Friday, November 1, 2013

Grandparents Visit

    That was fun! I can't believe this week went so fast! Our Grandparents from out of town are already gone. It seems like they just got here. The first day, we went to a mall, where my Mom and Grandma, went shopping for clothes. 
    Grandpa and I walked around the entire mall, both levels while they shopped. We saw some pretty cool stores in there. We saw this new car called the "Tesla" car, which runs off a Tesla coil. It is one of the safest cars on the market, because it has no engine, so there is more crumple space. 

At the restaurant, our waitress was from Ukraine. It was different to hear a foreign accent, but at the same time, kind of cool.

When we were going home from Lake George, we saw a bald eagle, thanks to our sister in law's sharp eyes! While we were up at the cabin, we watched a movie called "It Happened One Night" with Clark Gable, and Claudette Cobert. It was really good, for a movie made in the 30's

Just outside of Woodland Park, I saw the side of Pikes Peak, and had to take a picture, luckily, we were at a stop light, so holding my camera, with a telephoto was much easier.

The sunset near Elizabeth, was amazing! This picture doesn't do it justice. It looked like flames earlier, and then started to fade to this.


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