Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Bees, Escaped Cows, Parties, and Kilts.

 Well, here is one of the few posts I am going to be doing on this blog. They'll be few and far between, but hey, at least there will be some. Much like my last post which was in April (Whoa!) a whole lot of things have been happening. Honestly, I don't know how I managed to keep this blog running, when it first started, and juggled life at the same time.

First things first. Of the many things that have happened, was some friends of ours, who decided to raise bees, asked my brother for some help. Of course, I had to be there to take pictures. 

I had always wondered how some photographers, take pictures of bees in mid flight. Well, now I think I may have found out how. I just started randomly focusing at different distances, and got a few pictures worth keeping.

 My two favorite 

One of the biggest (one of) events that happened, was our purchase of a new cow. This experience was quite interesting. During the day, when we got her, we just simply put her in with the other cows, hoping she would settle right in, however, she kept jumping the fence and getting out. Needless to say, this was getting quite annoying. After about three escapes, we decided to put her in a round-pen, which we thought for sure would keep her in. 
"My Brother at Sunrise, Filling the Tank"
As you can guess, she got out. At three o'clock in the morning. I was half awake, half asleep, when I heard a knock on the door, at three o'clock in the morning. I thought to myself, "Who would be knocking on the door at this hour? Must be a prankster." However, when I heard the knock twice, I knew it wasn't a prank. I threw on my clothes, and went upstairs. My dad was already up, and said "The cows out.". What? I thought. How could she do that? Well, as we found out, she had pushed on the round pen, until she had gotten underneath it. My gosh, that's determination! She had been separated from her calf, many days to soon, which was the main drive. Anyway, back to the story. We all got out boots on, and went outside, where she was running around the neighborhood. To make a long story short, we caught her after about an hour, we kept he in a trailer, where she couldn't get out, while we decided whether or not to buy her calf. We ended up, moving the round-pen, to a much better spot, and reinforced it with T-Posts. Which is what my bother is standing next to, in the photo (above). We called a friend, and asked if he could come and help us get the calf, and thankfully he said yes. After we placed her  with her calf, in the round-pen, she calmed right down, and thankfully, nothing has happened ever since.  

Another, event that we went to, was a Equestrian event. It was an interesting event, and produced some nice shots. It was a nice break from the normal things I take pictures of. 

One huge thing that has happened, was a 1940's Swing Dance Party. After months of planning, it payed off. More people came, than I thought would, and everything just turned out better than I thought it would. We had Cokes in the old style glass bottles and great food. Almost everyone was dressed in a 40's costume, which was great. It really enhanced the experience. 

This picture (below) I can't take credit for. A friend of mine took this with my camera. She's extremely good at photography. She and her sister came out for a visit, for the first time in two years. And even though, it was only for a weekend, it was one of the best weekends of my life. We took them out to some property out east, during sunset, and just walked around, taking pictures. It was so quite out there, no cars on the highway, no airplanes, nothing. While walking, we saw a porcupine, climb up a tree. It was really cool, since I have never seen one before.  

During the last day of their visit, we went to the Elizabeth Celtic Festival. Which was a lot of fun. There were black smiths, sword fights, vendors, heavy lifting etc. 

There was a Roman Centurion there, who was extremely animated, in his story telling. He told us about roman tactics, laws, history in general. He showed us different things. He let us hold his shield, which was super light, which surprised us greatly. I had always thought, they must have been heavy, but no, it was very light.

The heavy lifting. This was interesting. Some men would be able to do it the first time, but not the next. Some just wouldn't be able to do it at all. 

The last day they were in CO, we went to meet their parents, up in Boulder. It was really nice visit, and I really enjoyed their parents. The visit didn't last nearly long enough, but I was glad we got to meet them.

The sunset on the way back down from Boulder.

Fortunately, we have been getting, plenty of rain. It rained for three days straight, one week, and our pastures have been loving it, as well as the garden. We haven't had to buy nearly as much hay for the animals either.

During the period of the County Fair, we went to see yearlings buck. Some of the horses were beautiful looking creatures. Because of all the rain, the arena was a soupy, muddy mess, as you can see in some of theses pictures.

The event, went well on into the night. Because of all the rain, the temperature has been much cooler, than normal August weather. 

Moms Hollyhocks, which spread without any help from us. She has a row of them along the fence. 

Fixing our bale feeder. We decided to replace the rotten boards with sheet metal. We stripped a bunch of water heaters, and used the metal, instead of purchasing expensive new metal. 

Thanks for taking the time to read!


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