Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hannah Senior Portraits

 Well, here are my first "official" senior portraits. After a bit of preparation, we finally got it done. I wasn't sure how they would turn out, but I must say I am pleased with the results. It also helps to have a willing subject. 

 It was a nice, warm, autumn evening, and the sun was setting, and the light was perfect.  

 Here I used the wood of the building, to bounce back a little light into her face. This was one of the things I had forgotten to grab; my reflector. Any of you who do photography, know this is a huge mistake,to forget your reflector, especially if you do natural light photography. So I was going to have to improvise.  

 So as the sun started to go down, I was desperate for more light. Another thing lacking in my photos, was a "catch light" in my subjects eyes. Luckily, there was a dumpster near the construction sight, that had some insulation in it, which has a white, and silver side to it. Perfect.
 As you can see in the photo below, the minute we added the improvised reflector, the eyes became more alive, and I had much more light to work with. 

 We ended up, down in the trees, taking advantage of the beautiful colors. We had fun experimenting with different poses, and enjoying the sunset as the sun disappeared behind the hills in the distance.

 After a while, we didn't have much light, and I had maxed out my memory card, taking pictures. So we scheduled for a second session, when there would be some snow.

 The second session was extremely cold. However, I didn't forget my reflector this time! :) It wouldn't have felt so bad had we been moving, but since we weren't, the cold seeped in through our coats, reminding us it was near winter. 
 Luckily, her mother had the forethought to make a thermos of hot coco, taking the edge off the cold.

 We had woken up before the sunrise, to take advantage of the first rays of sunlight, before  the quality of light, was too harsh, and would cast hard shadows on her face. Also because she had to go to work before we could do them in the evening.
 At first, I had thought for sure, the sun would not come out that morning, because it was overcast, and there was no break in the clouds as far as I could see. But God decided to bless us with a break in the clouds, and a wonderful sunrise. 

 We headed down to Old Colorado City, where there are lots of cool, old buildings. I especially liked the color of the brick, and there was plenty of that down there. The building in this photo, was little antique shop, and the sun hit the side just right, casting a nice spot of light on the wall. After we were done, we went back to the house where we enjoyed a nice warm breakfast.

 Anyway, thanks for reading!


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