Monday, September 9, 2013

Buckin' Bales

      Today was quite full! This morning, a friend of ours, who works at a place that sells hay, came over and asked if we could work today, and we happened to not have anything to do today. So we headed out to pick up a bunch of bales. The lady who had ordered them from another company, wasn't pleased with the hay quality, so we went and bought them off her hands. We had a big long goose neck trailer, and we slowly started to fill it up. We stacked them six high. 
      The lady was very talkative, and a very nice lady. We got about 250 bales in about 3-4 hours. We took turns throwing the bales up and stacking them, so as not wear one person out. And being allergic to hay, it wasn't the best day, so all the while, I was sneezing etc. 
       When we got back, we unloaded all the hay onto some pallets. Luckily we had more help, so it got done a lot faster than when we loaded it. Just as we were finishing stacking all the bales, it started to rain, heavy. So we quickly ran and got some tarps to cover it. The wind was blowing pretty hard, so that didn't help with the managing the tarps, but we got it done. By the time we got into the barn, out of the rain, we were soaked! When we got home, we changed into some nice, dry clothing. 

Here is the picture for the day.


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