Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Loose Steer

      Well this morning was exciting! Around 8 o'clock, we let our horse and our dexter steer out to graze, and while you'd think they would be excited about it, our dexter steer wasn't. I guess he was having separation anxiety, because he was mooing all morning, to our steers out on that big pasture which I wrote about in this post here
      Luckily, while my Dad was getting ready to leave for work, he saw him and noticed that he was on the wrong side of the fence, which happened to be our neighbors yard! So I went out there with a rope to catch him. Now normally, he is more than willing to let me put a rope on him, but not this time. So as I walked up, he started to walk away, so matched my pace to his, and then he started to run to the steers at the side of the fence, when he stopped at the fence, I caught up to him, and then he ran away again. So my Dad got on one end, and I on the other in the strip of easement land, and we slowly closed in; he kept looking for a way out, but we had him trapped. 
      I got the rope on him and started to lead him back. As it turned out, he had jumped over the fence, ripping it out of the wood post. Once we got to the road; so I could walk him to the gate, he burst off running. Now you might have heard me say, that he is a very sturdy and strong steer, so he just pulled me right along with him. Spraying me with cow squirts as well (Mmm fun!) ;)  He was evidently scared of something. Then he had the bright idea of running right into the fence, which stopped him immediately and flipped him over. He totally destroyed that part of the fence. 
      After we got him unstuck from the fence, we put him back in the main pasture. Now I must admit, I kind of enjoyed seeing him flip over :P I was saying to myself, "That oughta' teach you not to go running into fences again"
Here is the picture for the day.


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