Monday, September 2, 2013

Runaway Steer

I know... I have been a horrible blogger! I haven't posted for about a week! That is quite a stretch for me, so I thought I would sit down and post today. The funniest thing happened to me the other day. Yesterday, we let our steers out on a friends pasture, and boy were they excited. We led them up to the pasture by lead rope instead of taking them in the trailer. When they saw the grass on the side of the road, they tried to pull us to the grass. When we wouldn't let go they pulled even harder, still to no avail. When we got them into the pasture, they wanted to run. As we were leading them to the stock tank, one of our steers (the one I was leading)  just, spontaneously burst out running, yanking me off my feet, and dragging me across the ground :P I kept holding on, as he drug me, about twenty yards, before he stopped! I must admit, it was actually kind of fun :P I haven't been drug like that, since I was learning how to rope, and got drug across the ground by a goat., We had a good laugh about it afterwards though. Anyway, here are some pictures for the day.    


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